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Emin Shixaliev

For nearly 30 years, the unresolved Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict has left NagornoKarabakh in limbo over its future. Even though the initiatives of the OSCE’s Minsk Group somehow accelerated the attempts to find a solution, 26 years of peace negotiations did not meet the expectations and yielded no results. One of the most important elements that led to the problem remaining unsolved has been the Russian factor. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan was of special importance for Russia in terms of its geopolitical priorities and interests. Russia has supported Armenia for a long time. However, the real duty of Russia as one of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group is to work towards establishing a permanent and equitable peace between the two countries. One point worth mentioning here is that Russia, as one of the co-chairs of the OSCE’s Minsk Group, has once more indicated that it holds the keys to the solution by positioning itself in the orbit of the conflict. Surely, continuing occupation of 20% of the Azerbaijani lands by Armenia was increasing the likelihood of getting a new war. Another provocative activity of Armenia caused a sudden war. Considering itself as the implementer of Russia’s geopolitical interests in South Caucasia and hoping that it would always find support, Armenia violated the border line. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s extremely confident official statement, “Karabakh is Armenia, period,” which contradicted international law, and the wrong steps he took with the desire for a new adventure, were the harbingers of the strategic situation Azerbaijan anticipated. As a result, Azerbaijan liberated its occupied lands based on its right to self-defence.

Keywords: The Second Karabakh war, Russian Federation, geopolitical attacks, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Shusha Declaration.

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