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Yegana Bakhshiyeva

Ecological terrorism is one of the concepts that exist in the science of ecology, and it is a deliberate damage with destroying natural resources, flora and fauna by a particular country or individual. Generally, the water-related aspects of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the international law, as well as the use of fresh water sources and hydrotechnical devices in the conduct of hydrological, hydropower and ecological sabotage actions of the enemy state are not sufficiently studied. The ecological terrorism policy of Armenia against Azerbaijan is quite diverse in terms of its essence and its implementation mechanisms. At the same time, the non-constructive approach shown by international organizations in the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict serves to deteriorate the situation in the region. Armenia, by taking advantage of the dual position of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group for the consensus in the conflict, extends the settlement of the conflict by baseless excuses. By supporting the foreign patrons, official Yerevan is delaying the conclusion of any contract with the regional states on the management, utilization, protection of the transboundary water resources and the determination of the water quota. Armenia brings an excuse on being a legitimate successor of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), while the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) continues to lean on the provisions of the USSR's agreements with Turkey in 1924 and with Iran in 1957 .

Keywords: hydro-terror action, threats of Armenia, contaminated Kur-Aras basin, ecological environment, Sarsang reservoir.

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