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Elnur Hasanov

For the first time, the source-study significance of the formation and development of traditional Ganja carpet weaving in the study of the history of culture, arts and crafts, also ethnography of the Caucasus region was investigated on the basis of various written scientific literature, archival documents, as well as archaeological artifacts and individual ethnographic materials. By introducing comparative scientific research methods, various decorative and applied features, the characteristic ornamental features of numerous carpet weaving patterns were brought to study. The unique examples of Ganja carpet weaving, having rather unique craft features, have been studied as important sources in the study of material and spiritual cultural life, centuries-old craft traditions, ethnic values and traditional attitudes, characteristic of the everyday and economic lives of the local peoples of the whole Caucasus region.

The role of the ancient branch of artistic craft - carpet weaving in the study of the development of trade, the formation of urban culture, enrichment of cultural, social and political relations between the peoples of the Caucasus is noted, also the importance of this branch of craft in the development of such ancient cities as Ganja, located on The Silk Road was substantiated from a scientific point of view. On the basis of specific examples were determined reflection in separate ornamental elements of such characteristic features of the local peoples of the region as courage, honesty, loyalty, hospitality, a rich dining culture, religious and national tolerance - tolerance, and a culture of coexistence - multiculturalism.

Keywords: Ganja, Azerbaijan, the Caucasus, historical and ethnographic research, craft traditions, examples of material culture, weaving, carpet weaving.

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